21 June 2023

Commercial real estate management in SAP RE-FX

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Commercial Real Estate Management integrates the Financial Accounting (FI) and Controlling (CO) components. Through various subcomponents it allows the management/adjustment of real estate contracts, different settlements, conditions and much more. As experts for customizing in the RE-FX module, we are at your side if the conditions in the SAP standard are not sufficient to optimally map the processes of your company.


First, we look at the "commercial real estate management" component in SAP RE-FX with its subcomponents in more detail.


Real estate contract

You can use the real estate contract to map all contracts relating to your portfolio. In addition to rental and leasing contracts, you can also use the contract type to control other types of contracts such as service, purchase, and leasing contracts, G/L account contracts, and security deposit agreements. In the contract, you also store additional information such as terms, contract objects, and business partners. Receivables and payables can also be defined here.



In accounting, the conditions stored in the contract/the rental property are transferred to FI as postings and invoiced to the contractual partner or, if the vacancy cost center is vacant, posted to debit/credit. You can delimit your real estate contracts for an accrual-based distribution of operating costs and rents. The "Accounting" sub-component provides you with functions for managing payment transactions, open items and reminders.


Service charge settlement

This function includes all processes for the billing of operating and heating costs as well as, for example, the billing of energy costs by third parties.


Option rate determination and input tax distribution

For both commercial and non-commercial real estate, this function helps you calculate as well as post the deductible/non-deductible portion of the input tax.


Turnover rent statement

This function supports you in monitoring and settling sales-based rent agreements for a real estate contract based on the sales reports of commercial tenants.



Tools such as manual CO planning, CO assessment and CO settlement can be found here.


Adjustment of conditions

This function supports automatic procedures for adjusting conditions, i.e. mass changes to individual condition amounts on a statutory or contractual basis. Procedures are available for free adjustment, index and rent index adjustment, as well as adjustment according to comparative apartments and adjustment of incidental cost-specific advance payments.


Everything in one central monitor: That's why SmartDocs is the ideal complement

Despite the range of functions described above, the SAP standard has its limits, because it is difficult to keep track of the documents sent. This is where we come in with our quickly integrated SAP AddOn SmartDocs an.

SmartDocs Suite - this is a CENTRAL MONITOR in which you will find an overview of all documents sent, such as utility bills, sales rent statements, general cover letters, etc. - automatically linked intelligently with each other. 

SmartDocs is our SAP® AddOn for uncomplicated correspondence output directly from your SAP® system. Bundled and without detours via mail programs.

The intelligent linking of documents and the display of different types of correspondence in one monitor solves several problems at once:

  1. You can find transactions much faster, e.g. because your customer or supplier requests the documents again.
    -> The new shipment is only one click away!
  2. You know exactly what status the document has when it is sent. Thanks to document flow control, no one can fool you.
  3. A status traffic light alerts you when there is something left to do.

You can activate individual modules for many correspondence types, which appear as additional tabs in the SAP® Monitor. After a specific selection, you can see at a glance which documents have been created and have the correspondence output under control at all times thanks to the completeness function, document flow and status display.

Dispatch directly from SAP® is also possible.