19 January 2022

Webcast: Linking Tenant Correspondence Automatically in SAP® RE-FX

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Webcast Premiere! On March 29, 2022 at 10 a.m., we will launch our first webcast to introduce REexpect SmartDocs. Experience how tenant communication in SAP® RE-FX is conveniently handled with our smart add-on.

As a real estate manager, do you still have to deal with a lot of paperwork? Or do you have to switch to the mail program first in order to send something? Then you have come to the right place in our webcast! We would like to show how it is possible in the SAP® RE-FX module to link common documents of tenant correspondence intelligently and automatically. The dispatch then takes place directly from SAP® if required.

In the future, your employees will no longer have to ask each other whether a service charge statement or a general cover letter has been sent. Searching through files and folders will also become obsolete. Using the SmartDocs Monitor, you can quickly find the documents you need and send them in bundles. Directly from SAP® - without media breaks. Combine the dispatch of several documents in one process without complications.

Find out how this works and what additional advantages SmartDocs offers you in the webcast - we cordially invite you to join us! Crisply to the point, Yannik Neidiger (Managing Director REexpect GmbH) and Thomas Dresselhaus (Project Manager) explain the digital communication process. 

Interested? Then register free of charge via the following link:

Webcast "Automated linking of tenant correspondence"

March 29, 2022 | 10 a.m. to 11 a.m. | Approximately 30 minutes of presentation followed by Q&A.