In the SAP RE-FX module, different paths lead to Rome or to the maintenance of a master data object. In principle, two paths are possible in the first step: The call via an object-specific transaction or via the RE Navigator (transaction RE80). There are also different ways within the transactions to maintain an object/rental unit. In this article, we show how these can look like and start from the SAP standard menu.
What is a rental unit?
The rental object (MO) "Rental unit" is a usage view object and is created as a complete rentable or leasable object. If integration to the architectural view is available, the rooms of a building can be assigned to a rental unit. As soon as a valid real estate contract is linked to the unit, it is considered rented.
RE-FX: Create rental unit
To be able to create a rental unit, the higher-level usage view structure must be available, including the "Building" and "Business entity" objects. If this requirement is met, users can access the rental unit via the menu path
Accounting -> Flexible real estate management -> Master data -> Edit rental object
to the "Rental property" monitor. Here you can select the "Business entity" entry in the object overview in the navigation area. The navigation area is displayed directly when transaction RE80 is called up or can otherwise be displayed using the button.
Enter the number of the accommodation unit (CU) including the company code below the "Business entity" entry or search for the CU number using the button (search help). Afterwards, confirm your selection by pressing the button . Via
the structure tree, navigate to the corresponding parent building.
After right-clicking on the building, follow the path below in the context menu:
Create ⟶ Rental object ⟶ Rental unit⟶[Usage type]
The usage type of a rental unit (RU) has a controlling effect and cannot (should not) be changed after it has been saved for the first time, as this leads to data inconsistency in many areas.
The procedure described above means that certain assignments (company code, BE, GE) are already pre-set in the new rental unit. The following data can be maintained in the individual tab pages:
- Type of the rental object
- Company code
- Business entity
- Rental object (number of the rental unit, which is assigned consecutively by the system for each GR and is displayed when the object is saved for the first time, consists of company code, GR and GR number)
- Building
- Usage view
- Description of the rental object (free text field)
- Valid from (date inherited from parent building -> only to be maintained if different).
- (Valid) Until ⟶ date of a ME; to be maintained if the object is to be terminated (plausibility check against the validity of a superordinate object.
Existing (see field "Up to usual") ⟶ME must not be valid longer than the superordinate
Building - Valid-from trans. Object ⟶ Inherited valid-from date of a parent object.
- (Valid) To over (object) ⟶ Inherited valid-to date of a parent object.
- Address ⟶ inherited address from a parent object
Rental unit in SAP RE-FX: Tabs
The "Occupancy" tab/tab displays the occupancy status of an ME, or more precisely: information on whether the rental unit is assigned to a contract. Manual maintenance is not required. The corresponding contract is displayed in the detail area (open folder) and can be called up from here.
Under the "Booking parameters" tab, you will find the rooms of a rental space from the architectural perspective; the area sizes are displayed here. In the "Organizational assignment" clause (by clicking on the corresponding cell
in the first column), the business area as well as the profit center can be maintained using the search help.
The "Architecture" tab is the right place to assign rooms (architectural objects) that are to be rented out. In the standard case, "Complete assignment" is selected here -> the corresponding rooms can be selected in the mask by ticking the box. Do not forget to confirm (green tick). This results in the maintenance of the "Valid from" field. The "Valid until" field can also be maintained.
In the "Resubmission you can optionally store resubmission dates for a rental unit.
RE-FX Display/change rental unit
Call up the "Edit rental object" transaction. Use the button to display the
navigation area and select the "Business entity" entry in the object overview.
Accounting⟶ Flexible Real Estate Management ⟶ Master Data
⟶ Edit rental object
Enter the GR No. below the "Business entity" entry or search for the GR No. using the button. Then confirm your selection with the pushbutton . Use the structure tree to navigate to the corresponding rental unit.
To change data, switch via the button in the application menu bar
to switch to the change mode. The fields that can be changed directly are
The fields are either highlighted in white or the button appears (on the right) next to a field that can be changed. Other fields cannot be changed (e.g. usage type etc.).To end a rental unit, maintain the valid-to date in the "General data" tab.
Do not forget to save!